January Newsletter

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This month and year kicks off starting strong with healthy habits and some exciting news for the next chapter for Iron Roots! This is the time to reset and get back on track with your fitness goals and NCFIT Iron Roots has you covered to start the year STRONG! 
We are very excited to announce our continued partnership and rebrand to NCFIT Iron Roots!  Along with this change, we are excited to release the group programs that we will be offering to kick off the new year. 

Group Training Programs 

We will be offering two programs to begin the year. NCX and NCMETCON.  Both programs are suited for beginners and seasoned athletes. 
Read below for our programming focus for last month and what we are looking forward to in the month of December.  Our programming is designed to help you get stronger and fitter everyday with a plan in place to help you reach your fitness goals! 

NCX - Built Stronger. Built Better. NCX combines daily classic strength training and conditioning into one highly-effective program. Each class will contain a strength component followed by a “metcon” workout. Strength training in NCX revolves around the core lifts: squats, presses, deadlifts, and an introduction to Olympic lifts. The goal of NCX is to tackle strength and conditioning with high levels of proficiency and appropriate intensity for the best results. 

NCMETCON - Train Everything. Prepared for AnythingNCMETCON is all about GPP (General Physical Preparedness), and GPP is all about being incredibly well-rounded, prepared, and capable. Some workouts might be a sprint (short, fast, and light) while others might be a grind (long, slow, and heavy). Movements will include everything from cardio and gymnastics to powerlifting and Olympic lifting. If you’re looking for a high-powered, exciting, and challenging program…NCMETCON is it. 


In November and December, we took the brakes off and got after some intense all out EFFORT workouts 2x a week and capped off the year with some of our historic workouts including Death Row.  This was a December to remember as we finished out the year with some tough new and old Benchmark Workouts, including the ever-favorite, Fran! December was the ultimate culmination of the year's hard work. We finished strong with a Heavy 1-Rep Clean and Jerk, 12 Days of NCFIT, and a few new holiday-themed Benchmarks to get the mood right heading into the New Year and new month.


This month and year kicks off the beginning of a new leaf in NCMETCON as we start with something we have NEVER done before….an Overhead Squat Strength Cycle! . For the next 8 weeks, we will be Overhead Squatting once a week with a linear approach, starting with higher volume work at moderate loads and increasing until week 7, that will go back to a de-load week and cap off with a Heavy 3-Rep test at the end of February. This cycle is written to meet your athletes where they are at and build their OHS strength without the need to start with a test or baseline since we will be testing 3-Rep instead of a 1-Rep. The other half of our focus in January is dedicated Gymnastic Strength sessions weekly as we head towards the 2022 Open. In order to be successful in these gymnastic movements, we must increase our ability and strength to perform them Strict! The next two months will feature Strict Gymnastic Strength piece 1-2x per week to meet this goal. The combination of the OHS + Strict Gymnastics + and an increased prevalence of additional Skill work is going to have us primed to take on the unknown in the Open!


Moving into January we are running head first into a new strength cycle that starts off with 5-Rep Tests for the Back Squat, Push Press, Deadlift, and the Power Clean. This also acts as a “baseline” for our athletes as this will be the highest rep test they will see this year. Everything else will be 3’s and 2’s so starting the year with a 5-Rep test gives a starting point for everyone and we thought it was important to add in those two movements in this portion of the cycle! 

Because the conditioning focus for this month is seen as general conditioning we will include at least 3 AMRAPS per week at moderate lengths (12-15 Minutes) so athletes can build a baseline engine for the different conditioning stimuli to come!  These moderate range conditioning pieces will be all about consistent moving and trying to not go out too hot and die out. This will be a pervasive idea throughout the next few months so we can begin to sprinkle in tidbits of strategy to help our athletes stay consistent from start to finish and really build their engine. The final exciting piece of training will be our testing/ retesting of Thighnel Richie and Quantum Leap in January and March! 

NCX January/ February Strength Cycle

Week 1 of 9 (1/3-1/9) - 5 Rep Tests
Week 2 of 9 (1/10-1/16) - 10-8-6-10-8-6
Week 3 of 9 (1/17-1/23) - 10-8-6-10-8-6
Week 4 of 9 (1/24-1/30) - 8-6-4-8-6-4
Week 5 of 9 (1/31-2/6) - 8-6-4-8-6-4
Week 6 of 9 (2/7-2/13) - 6-4-2-6-4-2
Week 7 of 9 (2/14-2/20) - 6-4-2-6-4-2
Week 8 of 9 (2/21-2/27) - Deload 
Week 9 of 9 (2/28-3/6) - 5-Rep Retests 

NCX Weekly January Commitments

1 Brand New NCX Benchmark Weekly
 Progressive Wave Loading Strength Cycle 
3 Moderate Length AMRAPS 
1 Unilateral Strength Day 

NCX January Benchmarks

Thighnel Richie
Quantum Leap 
4 TBD New Benchmarks  


Here is the class schedule to begin the year. 


5:30 am - NCX 

5:30 pm - NCMETCON

6:45 pm - NCMETCON


5:30 am - NCMETCON

5:30 pm - NCX

6:45 pm - NCX


5:30 am - NCX

5:30 pm - NCMETCON


5:30 am - NCMETCON 

5:30 pm - NCX

6:45 pm - NCX


5:30 am - NCX 

5:30 pm - NCMETCON


10:00 am - NCX 


Stay tuned as we announce our upcoming socials happening this month!


In order to make 2022 your strongest year yet, you are going to have to #StartStrong. How do you do that? By using the motivation that comes with the New Year to build some consistency around your fitness and nutrition habits. 

We are here to help with both of those. To access our 5 Nutrition Guidelines eBook, simply reply to this email with START STRONG and we will send over everything you’ll need to dial in your nutrition to kick off the New Year. 

And if you want our help on the fitness side of things, you are in luck. For the month of January only, we are offering deals on our class packs. This is a great way to try Iron Roots out with minimal commitment. 

6 classes for the price of 5 for $75

12 classes for the price of 10 for $135 

Nutrition and fitness. We’ve got you covered. Let’s #StartStrong together today. 


The IRC Buzz is a podcast brought to you by Iron Roots Strong.  We'll be covering local happenings, interviews with members and various fitness topics. So if you're in the LBK and looking to stay up to date with everything that's happening and learn a thing or two about how to enhance your fitness lifestyle...this is the podcast for you.Take a listen to the latest episode with Marquaie Teutsch on how she has fun using her fitness outside of the gym. 



We know every member has their "why" and their personal goals they want to accomplish.  These goal review sessions also include a body intake to track other metrics such as BMI and body fat percentage. What goals are you trying to achieve in the near future? In addition to goal reviews, we are excited to release our NCFIT benchmark workouts!  These workouts will be a baseline to measure your fitness level with a plan to re-test every  90 days.  Reply to this email if you have any questions or book a goal review session and we can get your baseline workout scheduled. 


In need of pre-workout, protein, or CBD?  We are an official re-seller of Driven Nutrition Products!  Submit your order by clicking the button below. 


The Iron Roots Team 


How to Start a Fitness Routine in 2022


It's Official, we are NCFIT Iron Roots